Boat List

  07 ANDREW CANNAVA 579562 UM 175.00 (N) 02/16 23:48 RLB - Run Lite Boat  
  5G ACBLMARINER 1344533 LM 902.00 (N) 02/16 23:47 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  21 AM CENTURY 1261315 TR 245.00 (N) 02/16 23:42 SWL - Lock Delays  
  06 AMERICAN POWER 1272101 WC 383.00 (W) 02/16 23:42 SCW - Stop Conditions Weather  
  22 AM PROGRESS 1265757 LM 826.00 (S) 02/16 23:42 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  26 AMERICAN RELIANCE 1270208 HC 384.00 (W) 02/16 23:42 STB - Stand by for Barges  
  29 AMERICAN SKILL 1271964 TR 245.00 (N) 02/16 23:42 SCW - Stop Conditions Weather  
  2Q AMERICAN SPIRIT 1252998 TR 302.00 (N) 02/16 23:42 SCW - Stop Conditions Weather  
  28 AMERICAN STRONG 1272102 TR 255.00 (N) 02/16 23:42 SWL - Lock Delays  
  27 AMERICAN VALOR 1273719 TR 260.00 (N) 02/16 23:42 SWL - Lock Delays  
  20 AMERICAN HERO 1258726 WC 166.00 (E) 02/16 23:42 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  24 AMERICAN LIFE 1268290 TR 261.00 (S) 02/16 23:42 SWL - Lock Delays  
  6Q AMERICAN WAY 1251070 HC 384.00 (W) 02/16 23:42 STB - Stand by for Barges  
  7X AMHERST 575823 OR 267.00 (S) 02/16 23:39 SHS - Stop Hall Street Assist Boat  
  7L ANDREW F KOCH 642137 LM 665.00 (N) 02/16 23:46 RWB - Run With another Boat  
  04 AVE MARIA 1187573 LM 238.00 (N) 02/16 23:42 STB - Stand by for Barges  
  8F BRAD BENNINK 576108 OR 217.00 (S) 02/16 23:51 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  9X BAILEY B AT 128.00 (E) 02/16 23:42 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  7A CHIEF BILL BROWN 589325 OR 560.00 (N) 02/16 23:44 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  J70 BLACK BELT WT 065.00 (N) 02/16 09:00 -  
  67 BOB STITH 642652 LM 592.00 (N) 02/16 23:43 SRC - Stop River Conditions  
  H4 BROWNWTR 11 WC 540.00 () 02/16 07:00 -  
  C73 BROWNWTR 12 WC 277.00 (E) 02/16 07:00 SLK - Stop for Locking  
  A13 BROWNWTR 5 WC 540.00 (W) 02/16 07:00 -  
  H5 BROWNWTR 7 HC 386.00 (E) 02/16 07:00 SHL - Shift to Load/Unload  
  4G BRYCEMORGAN 1277320 WC 234.00 (W) 02/16 23:42 STB - Stand by for Barges  
  5A BUCK LAY 643716 LM 758.00 (N) 02/16 23:52 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  08 BUCKSHOT 1338517 LM 159.00 (E) 02/16 18:58 STB - Stand by for Barges  
  85 CHARLES T. JONES 575826 OR 979.00 (N) 02/16 23:39 SHS - Stop Hall Street Assist Boat  
  77 CAIRO 659639 LM 512.00 (N) 02/16 23:53 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  55 CAPT CARL PAGE 583466 LM 362.00 (N) 02/16 23:48 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  52 CAPT GREGORY SMITH 535940 LM 218.00 (N) 02/16 23:39 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  5R CAPT SHELBY HOUSE 979002 LM 788.00 (N) 02/16 23:50 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  8T CAPT MICHAEL D COLLINS 980668 LM 418.00 (N) 02/16 23:49 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  75 CAPTAIN DAN THOMAS 637070 OR 916.00 (S) 02/16 23:39 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  L34 DAVID CHOAT AK 155.90 (S) 02/16 07:00 -  
  7F DAVID EVANS 641764 OR 978.00 (S) 02/16 23:50 SBT - Stop for Barge Traffic  
  1E DONALD WOOD 1257686 WC 134.00 (E) 02/16 23:51 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  4F DOUGLAS MURPHY 1236439 WC 344.00 (W) 02/16 23:42 STB - Stand by for Barges  
  3E CAPT DOUG WRIGHT 1202864 LM 114.00 (S) 02/16 23:46 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  5I EMMANUEL 1215414 WC 428.00 (W) 02/16 23:42 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  9K FALCON 1324494 TR 261.00 (S) 02/16 18:58 SCW - Stop Conditions Weather  
  6G GERALD SHREVE 628776 LM 089.00 (N) 02/16 23:40 SBT - Stop for Barge Traffic  
  86 GARRON L SNEED 560609 UM 151.00 (S) 02/16 23:48 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  J36 GEORGEBANTA WC 102.00 (W) 02/16 07:00 -  
  5N R. P. GETTELFINGER 568139 LM 922.00 (S) 02/16 23:43 SBT - Stop for Barge Traffic  
  7E GLENN W JONES 641398 OR 234.00 (S) 02/16 23:50 SCW - Stop Conditions Weather  
  4B HOLY CROSS 121522 WC 243.00 (W) 02/16 23:42 STB - Stand by for Barges  
  94 HOUSTON HONOR 1311726 HC 371.00 (W) 02/13 19:42 STB - Stand by for Barges  
  8L CAPTAIN JERRY DUVALL 1274431 WC 681.00 (W) 02/16 23:42 PSB - Port Standby  
  3H JAY JOSEPH WC 551.00 (W) 02/16 21:38 SCW - Stop Conditions Weather  
  2L JENIFER TRETTER 1231025 WC 345.00 (E) 02/16 23:42 SRC - Stop River Conditions  
  7N JOSEPH M. HAMILTON 571622 OR 077.00 (N) 02/16 23:41 SLK - Stop for Locking  
  2U JERRY TOROK 1265746 TR 261.00 (N) 02/16 23:42 SWL - Lock Delays  
  50 JACKY L ONEAL 565154 LM 167.00 (S) 02/16 23:42 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  3L JEFF KINDL 1266571 WC 344.00 (E) 02/16 23:47 SCW - Stop Conditions Weather  
  76 JEFFBOAT 640345 OR 483.00 (S) 02/16 23:40 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  J0 JOBETH JAN 1267567 AK 319.60 (N) 02/16 07:00 -  
  2J JOE B. WARD 1231040 WC 290.00 (E) 02/16 23:42 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  L35 JOHN JANOUS AK 015.90 (S) 02/16 07:00 -  
  7K JOHN D NUGENT 562078 IR 076.00 (S) 02/16 23:48 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  53 KEITH DARLING 650590 LM 411.00 (N) 02/16 23:51 SRC - Stop River Conditions  
  6X KENNY BILLIOT LM 236.00 (S) 02/16 23:47 SHS - Stop Hall Street Assist Boat  
  9P KRISTIN 1209109 WC 323.00 (W) 02/16 23:42 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  87 LORI BLOCKER 1231791 LM 779.00 (S) 02/16 23:46 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  7Y LAURA M 1315595 WC 243.00 (W) 02/16 23:42 AOD - Awaiting Orders  
  65 LEO G. LUTGRING 594624 OR 975.00 (N) 02/16 23:45 SBT - Stop for Barge Traffic  
  6D LILY BROOKS 1302688 WC 344.00 (W) 02/16 23:41 SBT - Stop for Barge Traffic  
  2Y LISA MARIE 1223317 HC 384.00 (W) 02/16 23:42 SBP - Stop for Boat Problems  
  2Z JASON LIVINGSTON 1343440 EC 104.00 (E) 02/16 23:42 SCW - Stop Conditions Weather  
  A47 LUCY JANOUS AK 050.30 (S) 02/16 07:00 -  
  5P MIKE DILLON WC 054.00 (E) 02/16 23:43 STB - Stand by for Barges  
  3A MARK L DUPLANTIS 1209682 PA 042.00 (S) 02/16 23:41 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  9N MIKE KENNELLY 1340433 HC 380.00 (W) 02/16 05:24 PSB - Port Standby  
  09 MAGNOLIA 1252791 HC 392.00 (W) 02/16 23:42 STB - Stand by for Barges  
  6T MARA BROOKS WC 178.00 (E) 02/16 23:41 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  5X MARK GLAAB 1291342 HC 356.00 (W) 02/16 23:42 SCW - Stop Conditions Weather  
  5L MARK KNOY 581300 LM 399.00 (N) 02/16 23:40 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  64 MARK STAAB 652922 LM 412.00 (N) 02/16 23:48 SRC - Stop River Conditions  
  3G MARTIN J. PELLEGRIN 625777 HC 385.00 (W) 02/16 23:42 STB - Stand by for Barges  
  2I MARY JONES OR 760.00 (S) 02/16 23:04 SCW - Stop Conditions Weather  
  J8 MARY PARKER LM 592.00 (S) 02/16 07:00 -  
  41 MEGAN ELIZABETH 1243635 AT 074.00 (E) 02/16 23:42 STB - Stand by for Barges  
  69 MIKE NADICKSBERND 560135 IR 265.00 (S) 02/16 23:50 SBT - Stop for Barge Traffic  
  K57 MISS ALEX AK 336.20 (N) 02/16 07:00 -  
  66 MISS JACKIE BROWN 598151 IR 158.00 (S) 02/16 23:48 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  M39 MISS PEYTON LM 140.00 (N) 02/16 07:00 -  
  0Z MISTER MAC WC 557.00 (E) 02/16 23:42 STB - Stand by for Barges  
  7Q NC PARSONAG 558334 UM 020.00 (N) 02/16 23:46 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  2X NICK LONNEMANN 1266535 HC 384.00 (W) 02/16 23:42 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  80 PAUL BROTZGE 559099 OR 383.00 (N) 02/16 23:45 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  7S PAUL TOBIN 1221907 LM 582.00 (S) 02/16 23:48 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  84 MICHAEL POINDEXTER 610971 IR 131.00 (S) 02/16 23:49 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  5M RANDALL D CHAMNESS 554601 LM 415.00 (N) 02/16 23:47 SRC - Stop River Conditions  
  5C CAPTAIN RODNEY E STOKES 1078466 LM 337.00 (N) 02/16 23:48 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  9Q R HAGEBOLS 1325577 LM 008.00 (S) 02/16 23:42 PSB - Port Standby  
  4A RICKEY HUGHES 551830 LM 797.00 (N) 02/16 05:28 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  71 CAPTAIN RICKIE JOHNSON 570554 LM 078.00 (S) 02/16 23:46 SBT - Stop for Barge Traffic  
  18 RICH MCCARTY 584006 OR 481.00 (N) 02/16 23:49 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  73 RICHARD R RILEY 619976 UM 114.00 (S) 02/16 23:49 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  5K R. CALLEGAN 554602 LM 665.00 (N) 02/16 23:50 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  9O R.J CHERAMIE 647616 WC 441.00 (W) 02/16 04:25 SHS - Stop Hall Street Assist Boat  
  10 RANDY ANDERSON 580067 IR 026.00 (S) 02/16 23:52 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  78 REPENTANCE 1133928 HC 384.00 (W) 02/16 23:42 PSB - Port Standby  
  K67 RISN SAVIOR WC 344.00 (W) 02/16 07:00 -  
  2D ROY BRONSON 456654 WC 248.00 (W) 02/16 23:42 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  J47 S.RICHOUX WC 211.00 (W) 02/16 07:00 -  
  38 SACRED HEART 1203067 WC 681.00 (W) 02/16 23:42 STB - Stand by for Barges  
  1D SAFETY FIRST 1193706 WC 298.00 (W) 02/16 23:42 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  12 SHILOH AMON WC 243.00 (W) 02/16 23:42 SCW - Stop Conditions Weather  
  72 SONNY IVEY 572994 LM 152.00 (S) 02/16 23:40 SBT - Stop for Barge Traffic  
  7C TONY ESPINOZA 549164 OR 978.00 (S) 02/16 23:53 SHS - Stop Hall Street Assist Boat  
  7P TROJAN WARRIOR 570738 HC 385.00 (W) 02/16 23:43 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  L33 TAMELA LEIG AK 025.80 (N) 02/16 07:00 -  
  44 TENNESSEE 624433 OR 838.00 (S) 02/16 23:44 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  6B TEXAS TRANSPORTER 1311724 HC 384.00 (E) 02/16 23:42 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  5H TIM P. STUDDERT 1064025 LM 701.00 (N) 02/16 23:40 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  6A TENNESSEE MERCHANT 685581 LM 154.00 (S) 02/16 23:44 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  95 TUCKER HAML 1316602 LM 860.00 (N) 02/16 23:42 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  9J UNCLE ROBERT 534298 LM 139.00 (S) 02/16 23:47 SBT - Stop for Barge Traffic  
  6F WARRENHINES 12812930 OR 442.00 (N) 02/16 05:18 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  4C WOOD RIVER 12335270 WC 037.00 (E) 02/16 23:42 RUN - Run at Normal/Full Capacity  
  58 WAYNE P. LAGRANGE 626849 OR 940.00 (S) 02/16 23:12 SCW - Stop Conditions Weather